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Rock 'n' roll made me what I am

Seguindo com os planos de abraçar a música com cada vez mais afinco, convido os leitores para o recital da Prediger, escola de música da qual fiz parte nos últimos seis meses. Será nessa sexta-feira 13, no RADICAL BAR'N, em Ipanema, na Avenida Guaíba, 1228 (segundo o flyer da escola) ou 926 (segundo os resultados de busca no Google). Na dúvida, procurem os dois. Heh.

A função começa ali pelas 21h, dá tempo de chegar, pedir uma ceva, uma porção de ovo de codorna e esperar os trabalhos terem início. Vou tocar e cantar duas músicas, a mortal Tardes de Outono, da Rosa Tattooada, e uma versão POCKET (que termo gay) de Used To Love Her, daquela banda chamada Guns N' Roses.

Não prometo calça de couro, mas um lenço no pescoço é certo. Apareçam lá!

Comments (49)

Leo Ponso:

Finalmente um evento relevante perto de casa. Ironicamente, estarei do outro lado da cidade até as 19h. Sairei correndo e chegarei em Ipanema vestido de Tom Jobim.

Cacete da porra, vou perder de novo.

Da próxima, irei de GUAIACA.

E aquela cover de Avril Lavine, não vai rolar?
Anyway, longe demais pra quem trabalha na Ceará.

Lohan Will Go to Rehabilitation Today,. it truly is just a ploy to reduce the incarceration so the judge will be lenient with her. Cushy rehab is sooo superior to jail, it could be that the judge do not give her any incarceration simply because he will probably be so shocked!

Thank you very much! I took it for myself too. Will be useful!!....

I must admit, the webmaster has written cool..!!

Uh, well, explain me a please, I am not quite in the subject, how can it be?!....

Yeah, it is clear now !... From the very beginning I did not understand where was the connection with the title !!....

Thanks, useful material I added your blog to my bookmarks!....

Current blog, fresh information, I read it from time to time!!....

I decided to help and sent a post to the social bookmarks. I hope to raise it in popularity!!....

Somewhere in the Internet I have already read almost the same selection of information, but anyway thanks!!....

I almost accidentally visited to this site, but stayed here for a long time. Stayed because everything was very interesting. Surely will share with all my friends!....

I do`t see a feedback or the other coordinates from the blog administration!....

I do`t see a feedback or the other coordinates from the blog administration!....

Comrade kill yourself..

Pleased to read intelligent thoughts in Russian. I`ve been living in England for already 5 years!....


I read online (computer problems) positive feedback about your resource. Didnt even believe it, and now saw myself. It turned out that I was not fooled!....

It's pleasant sitting at work to distract from it�to relax and read the information written here:DD

I would add something else, of course, but in fact almost everything is mentioned!....

Hi! Everyone who reads this blog - Happy Reconciliation and Accord..!!

Right from this article begin to read this blog. Plus a subscriber:DD

Left on my site a link to this post. I think many people will be interested in it..!!

Uh, well, explain me a please, I am not quite in the subject, how can it be?!....

Fresh thoughts, fresh view on the subject..!!

Informative, but not convincing. Something is missing but what I can not understand. But I will say frankly: bright and benevolent thoughts!....

Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!....

Strange but true. Your resource is expensive. At least it could be sold for good money on its auction!....

Somewhere in the Internet I have already read almost the same selection of information, but anyway thanks!!....

Interesting. We are waiting for new messages on the same topic!!....

I almost accidentally visited to this site, but stayed here for a long time. Stayed because everything was very interesting. Surely will share with all my friends!....

This article is for professionals..!!

Is anybody strong in radio here? We need a colleague who would tell us briefly about the transistor T2. I hope there are radio amateurs here. If it`s not on the subject at all, then I`m sorry. I have to write because I have no choice. PS: if the spelling is not right then also I'm sorry, I'm just 13 years old!....

See it for the first time!!....

Thank you very much! I took it for myself too. Will be useful!!....

Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!....

Thanks for the article! I hope the author does not mind if I use it for my course work!....

I decided to help and sent a post to the social bookmarks. I hope to raise it in popularity!!....

Gripping! I would like to listen to the experts` views on the subject!!....

I decided to help and sent a post to the social bookmarks. I hope to raise it in popularity!!....

Cool! You have answered. I'll take a quote! The meaning of life and everything else. Decided. No kidding!....

52. "The road will be overcome by that person, who goes." I wish you never stopped and be creative - forever..!!

Edidn`t think about that. I'll tell my mother, she won`t believe it..!!

Author, Shoot yourself a knee..!!

I am getting married on the 15th of November. Congratulate me! Then will be here rarely!....

Uh, well, explain me a please, I am not quite in the subject, how can it be?!....

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on julho 12, 2007 6:16 PM.

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The next post in this blog is KCOR.

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