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Here is Sydney. Is it home of the free or what?

A Ale ja contou sobre o que ta rolando na busca dela por emprego la no Australia e o Canal. Da minha parte, posso dizer que as coisas estao bem paradas. Ate ja esperava por isso, ja que estou tentando coisas basicamente ligadas a musica, um mercado que e fechado em qualquer parte do mundo. Ja mandei curriculos pra revistas, lojas de cd, lojas de instrumento e estudios. Alguns me respoderam, mas dizendo que nao tem vagas abertas no momento. Outros nem se deram ao trabalho, mas isso e normal.

Como a necessidade de conseguir trabalho rapidamente e grande, tenho apelado pra coisas tao diversas quanto RESENHISTA DE GUIA DE RESTAURANTES, HOST DE KARAOKE e BALCONISTA EM LOJA DE PENHORES. Sobre essa ultima vaga, foi bem interessante a minha conversa com o cara da loja.

Na real so entrei la porque tem muitos instrumentos na vitrine. Ja que e pra trabalhar em outra coisa, que pelo menos tenha alguma coisa a ver com musica! Pois bem, entrei e falei que tinha visto no cartaz que eles precisavam de gente. Entreguei o curriculo, ele deu uma olhada e falou: "Hum... Do you have some experience with music?" Eu disse que sim, e ele emendou: "SO YOU KNOW SEPULTURA, RIGHT?" Eu dei um sorriso e antes que eu pudesse responder ele falou: "THE BIGGEST BRAZILIAN BAND!" So tive tempo de dizer "YEAH, I LOVE HEAVY METAL!". Ele sorriu e voltou a perguntar outras coisas menores do curriculo e disse que ia me ligar. Aguardemos. Por via das duvidas, vou gravar o ARISE e botar por baixo da porta da loja na calada da noite.

Comments (53)

Lembre que a cover de PROCREATION (OF THE WICKED) é um grande trunfo no repertório dos rapazes. Será contratado na hora. Se não der certo, cante na frente dele BIOTECH (IS GODZILLA).

sei que vaga pra entregador de jornal tem fácil aí em Sydney.

qualquer coisa vai ouvindo mp3 e lendo a parte de cultura.


com essa pergunta, o cara entregou que a vaga é FATAL. torço pra que te chame logo!


é, mas quando o cara descobrir que o egs acha a OFF THE WALL a melhor banda brasileira, fudeu.




Host de Karaoke é fantástico!

eu se fosse tu, pegava a viola e ia lá tocar um Sepultura para o cara da loja.

bjs e boa sorte


O emprego é teu.


Bruno: "Biotech (is Godzilla)" e o melhor nome de musica de todos os tempos. Valeu por me lembrar da existencia dela.

Diego: fato. Mas ja me recusaram. PUTOS.

Cavinato: esperemos. Ah, esqueci de dizer que na entrada da loja tem um boneco gigante do SCHWARZENEGGER DERRETENDO. Unica loja possivel.

Dante: anota ai: ainda vou fazer TODOS os australianos idolatrarem a Off The Wall. Aguarde.

Moni: vou tocar KAIOWAS pro cara e serei promovido a DONO na hora.

Antenor: ;~~~ (to arrumando uma vaga pra ti tambem. Mais detalhes na sequencia.)


egs, PENSEI MELHOR e DECIDI que tu deve levar um SERROTE pra tocar a introdução do SCHIZOPHRENIA lá na frente.

In an effort to battle negative spamming concerning my journal, I would certainly position a little disclaimer next to the comment box. I probably would make it possible for the blogging site readers be sure that I really encourage these people to get exposure for their own individual blogs providing that they donate some suitable information connected to the write-up. I never mind doing work just a little bit as a way to gain a reasonable link.

Thanks, I learned a lot for myself.

Nice post, thanks :)

Cool:) I would say say it exploded my brain..!!

Develop the topic further! It is interesting to know more details..!!

Comrade kill yourself..

The material is on the five plus. But there is a minus! My internet speed 56kb/sek. The page was loading for about 40 seconds!....

Not bad post, leave it at my bookmarks!....

Cool:) I would say say it exploded my brain..!!

Post brought me to think, went to mull over!!....

The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!!

I was looking for the report in Yandex and suddenly came across this page. I found a little information on my topic of my report. I would like more, and thanks for that..!!

The topic is pretty complicated for a beginner!....

Yeah, it is clear now !... From the very beginning I did not understand where was the connection with the title !!....

Gripping! I would like to listen to the experts` views on the subject!!....

I do`t see a feedback or the other coordinates from the blog administration!....

Interesting, but still I would like to know more about it. Liked the article:DD

Gripping! I would like to listen to the experts` views on the subject!!....

Yeah, now it's clear !... And firstly I did not understand very much where there was the link with the title itself !!....

Scribbler, give me a student's record-book!))))

I was looking for the report in Yandex and suddenly came across this page. I found a little information on my topic of my report. I would like more, and thanks for that..!!

Of course, I understand a little about this post but will try cope with it!!....

Scribbler, give me a student's record-book!))))

Hello! Read the pages not for the first day. Yes, the connection speed is not good. How can I subscribe? I would like to read you in the future!....

Received the letter. I agree to exchange the articles..

I do`t regret that spent a few of minutes for reading. Write more often, surely'll come to read something new!....

I would add something else, of course, but in fact almost everything is mentioned!....

Informative, but not convincing. Something is missing but what I can not understand. But I will say frankly: bright and benevolent thoughts!....

I almost accidentally visited to this site, but stayed here for a long time. Stayed because everything was very interesting. Surely will share with all my friends!....

Not bad post, but a lot of extra !!....

Honestly, not bad news!....

Thanks for the news! Just was thinking about it! By the way Happy New Year to all of you:DD

I envy you. The content and design of your blog is much better than mine. Who made a design for you?!....

Strange but true. Your resource is expensive. At least it could be sold for good money on its auction!....

I`m so grateful that you enlightened me and the most important thing that it happened in time. Just think, I have been using the internet for six years already but it`s the first time I`ve ever heard about it!....

Received the letter. I agree to exchange the articles..


Totally agree with you, about a week ago wrote about the same in my blog..!!

Yeah, it is clear now !... From the very beginning I did not understand where was the connection with the title !!....

Sometimes I also see something like this, but earlier I didn`t pay much attention to this!....

Received the letter. I agree to exchange the articles..

The text is promising, will place the site to my favorites..!!

Cool! You have answered. I'll take a quote! The meaning of life and everything else. Decided. No kidding!....

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on agosto 31, 2007 12:41 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Eu vou voltar pra casa.

The next post in this blog is Alive and Kickin'.

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