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hogwarts über alles
Our local Jewish Community Center is co-sponsoring a Harry Potter party with our local Borders bookstore. The flyer for this party states that children will receive a free thunderbolt tattoo [on their foreheads].
Also, the same evening I picked up this Jewish Community Center flyer at Borders, I came across a Time-Life book about Hitler's Nazi Germany. It had a number of shocking photos of Hitler's Youth Corps. What jumped out at me, were the number of photos depicting the thunderbolt symbol - mainly on Youth Corps flags but also on some ritual Youth Corps shields.
Harry Potter enquanto propaganda nazista. De acordo com David C. Mosher, fundador da Christ to the Cults Ministry - que por sinal cita vários outros exemplos anticristãos na cultura pop - Deus condenará milhares de pais ao inferno por dar estes livros dignos de Belzebu a suas crianças.
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