Comentários sarcásticos, crítica vitriólica e jornalismo a golpes de martelo por Marcelo Träsel

« ironia do destino | gimme all ye riches | jornalismo tecnomarrom »

gimme all ye riches

A society where art is not a disorganized pile of scratches, scribbled by a drug-induced hippie with his eyes closed, but is an enlightening masterpiece, showing man as he could be and should be: a hero.

A society where being an "individual" is not some superficial trait, such as wearing your pants backwards, or having five rings through your nose, but refers to something important: to being a producer, a creator, a thinker — a moralist.

A society where the evil is not rewarded, but punished, and the good is admired, and praised. A society where virtue is not a weakness, but a strength.

A society where a life of imaginable riches and wealth, is a possibility — for everyone who is willing to think.

Capitalismo: um passeio online. Um oferecimento de Capitalism.Org. Interessante é eles considerarem o anarquismo "não uma forma de capitalismo; anarquismo é uma forma de coletivismo, em que os direitos individuais estão sujeitos ao governo de gangues rivais".

12 de março de 2005, 1:39 | Comentários (11)

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