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bizarrices à pampa
KFC manager in Texas blasts PETA protestors with water
The PETA gang was also greeted by a beef-lover who shouted: "You bunch of crazy animal rights nuts! You're not going to win. Not in Brownsville!"
O armazém obscuro de Jim Romenesko oferece um vasto sortimento de notícias bizarras, como esta aí em cima. Trecho:
"They already hit me in McAllen", said John Olivo, shortly before cranking KFC’s sprinkler system at full blast and soaking the curbside protestors. "I was already waiting for them here in Brownsville", he laughed.
Difícil não simpatizar com um gerente de loja de fast-food que gargalha enquanto encharca manifestantes da PETA.
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