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Taí o novo disco do Cake, dando uma banda no site dos caras, encontrei numa sessão "pergunte ao Cake" essa pérola:

Dear CAKE,

My girlfriend recently broke up with me and now my best friend is talking to her
on the phone everyday and seeing her often. This is a sudden change in the way things were between them. She has a history of rebounding and he isn't one to say "no" to an opportunity to get some. He also never really wanted me to be with her in the first place. What should I do so I can find out what's going on and not get hurt by this?



Damn. Bad situation. Sorry about that. Distance yourself from these
two unthoughtful people immediately. If you want to be friends with
them at a later date, do so then.

Best of luck,

Nada deve ser melhor do que ter fãs que são seus fãs porque entenderam a piada. Ainda mais no caso de um humor discreto, construido no conjunto da obra. Enquanto Andrew não resolve seus problemas vamos lembrar que ninguém batiza seus discos de "Carreata da Generosidade" e "Prolongando a Magia" e escapa impune.

por Menezes - 5 minute não-design de Gabriel - um blog insanus