Men needed for web study- Did you learn to love from Dad or no Dad?
dezembro 19, 2006
Men needed for a web study on parent's influence on love relationships. Did your father (or not having a father) contribute to the way you act in your adult romantic relationships?
You are invited to participate and/or help find participants in a doctoral research study from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. The purpose of this research is to see if the father-son relationship (or lack of relationship) influence men's later adult romantic relationships. The focus on romantic relationships will concentrate on attitudes concerning attachment, caregiving, and sex perceptions and behaviors.
Who can apply: This is open to all American men aged 18 years or older, regardless of current relationship status or sexual orientation. We are interested in encouraging participation by those men who might have been raised in a home where there was no relationship with their fathers and there was no physically present father substitute. We are also interested in participation by men who had positive and/or negative relationships with their fathers.
Commitment: Participation requires completing a number of questionnaires relevant to the study. The questionnaires take about 30 minutes to an hour to complete. Most questions are either multiple-choice or ratings on a scale. There may also be a few short answer questions. Some questions deal specifically with sexual behavior and attitudes. Participants will also be asked to forward an invitation to this study to at least two of their male friends and/or family.
Confidentiality: This study is completely confidential. Name, email address, or identifying information will not be collected without the participant's permission. No identifying information will be associated with participant's answers. Responses will be processed using group statistical analyses, not by themselves therefore, nobody, not even the primary researcher, will be able to identify participants.
Benefits: You will have an opportunity to get involved in actual experimental research. The experience may provide you with a better understanding of your romantic relationships.
If you would like to participate please goto
If you would like more information, you may contact the primary researcher at
Thank you for your time and interest,
Robert Mitchell MACP
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
(via Craigslist)
Sabrina Fonseca
, Classificados Mondo Estudo
, Sexismo
, Sexo
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