Artigos: Amor
janeiro 17, 2009
Pesquisas anteriores sugeriam que a paixão e o desejo sexual de um casal começam a diminuir por volta dos 15 meses de relacionamento e chegam a desaparecer depois de dez anos. (G1)
Walter Valdevino
, Estudo
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janeiro 9, 2009
O estudo parece contrariar a crença popular de que muitos bons relacionamentos começam mal. (BBC)
Walter Valdevino
, Estudo
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dezembro 16, 2008
Segundo os cientistas, os fãs de filmes como Mensagem para você, O Casamento dos meus sonhos e Enquanto você dormia normalmente não conseguem se comunicar efetivamente com seus parceiros. (BBC)
Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
, Estudo
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agosto 13, 2008
Um homem que uma mulher acha atraente pelo olfato muito provavelmente tem um sistema de genes de imunidade diferente.
Segundo eles, a teoria pode ainda ajudar a explicar rupturas em relacionamentos pois a percepção do odor tem um papel importante em manter a atração entre parceiros. (BBC)
Walter Valdevino
, Estudo
, Sexo
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julho 28, 2008
Mas isso só parece funcionar se você tem um status elevado aos olhos do potencial parceiro. (BBC)
Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
, Estudo
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maio 26, 2008
Se fosse possível garantir que você nunca sentiria a dor de uma traição com apenas um remédio, mas o efeito colateral fosse você confiar cegamente em alguém – valeria a pena? Pode parecer impossível agora, mas um grupo de pesquisadores acredita que no futuro pode ser possível garantir a confiança de alguém com apenas um hormônio: a oxitocina. (G1)
Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
, Estudo
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fevereiro 13, 2008
"É quase como se o amor colocasse um tapa-olho nas pessoas", acrescentou Martie Haselton, professora associada da UCLA nas áreas de psicologia e estudos da comunicação. (G1)
Walter Valdevino
, Estudo
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setembro 4, 2007
Os pesquisadores analisaram o comportamento de 46 pessoas que participaram de uma reunião de um serviço de encontros rápidos, conhecido como “speed-dating”.
O estudo indicou que os homens procuravam as mulheres mais atraentes e que as mulheres eram atraídas pela riqueza material e pela segurança. (BBC)
Walter Valdevino
, Estudo
, Sexo
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agosto 20, 2007
O mundo não pode oferecer o bom-humor, mas esse sentimento tem o poder de transformar o mundo, vindo de uma fonte chamada “emoção-coração-amor”. (Terra)
Walter Valdevino
, Estudo
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agosto 15, 2007
Um estudo da Universidade da Basiléia, na Suíça, publicado pelo "Journal of Adolescent Health"', mostra que os efeitos da paixão nos adolescentes são os mesmos de uma síndrome chamada hipomania, considerada o primeiro estágio do distúrbio bipolar, ou variação de humor. (Folha Online)
Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
, Estudo
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junho 1, 2007
Quase a metade dos entrevistados (48%) acredita que a autoridade e o status quo sempre devem ser questionados. Um total de 47% acham que há muitas regras na sociedade. Pouco menos de um terço (30%) não acredita em política partidária.Mais de um terço (36%) gosta de usar cabelo comprido (incluindo 19% dos homens) e 45% gosta de andar descalço. Quase um quarto gosta de roupas coloridas e excêntricas, a metade gosta de sandálias e um terço tem, ou consideraria ter, incenso em casa. Um total de 84% dos entrevistados sabe cantarolar a melodia da canção Yellow Submarine, dos Beatles, e 65% sabem a melodia de California Dreamin, dos Mamas and the Papas. (BBC Brasil)
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Sabrina Fonseca
, Comportamento
, Loucura
, Terapias Alternativas
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"Nos Estados Unidos, o valor que é dado à atitude pró-ativa e ao triunfo sobre a adversidade cria um ambiente onde o sofrimento pode ser visto como um sintoma da derrota pessoal." (BBC)
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Walter Valdevino
, Estudo
, Terapias Alternativas
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abril 26, 2007
Apesar de faltarem estatísticas mais precisas o estudo (SIC), citado pela agência Ansa, diz que "pode-se racionalmente julgar que os casamentos gerados pela Internet têm uma possibilidade maior de chegar ao divórcio em relação aos casamentos gerados por encontros tradicionais", baseando-se em opiniões de especialistas do setor. (Terra)
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Walter Valdevino
, Computadores
, Estudo
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abril 16, 2007
“Essas mulheres recém-divorciadas e bem de vida, com suas promessas de comida caseira, caminhadas estimulantes e um estilo de vida com pouca pressão estão se mostrando irresistíveis para o homem mais novo”, disse o estudo.
Enquanto as mulheres querem um namorado mais novo por causa da diversão e aventura, os homens procuram uma parceira mais velha para conforto e um bom prato de comida. (BBC)
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Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
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, Terapias Alternativas
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fevereiro 14, 2007
O amor realmente é como uma droga, diz estudo. (BBC)
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Walter Valdevino
, Estudo
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fevereiro 13, 2007
Para explorar a dinâmica do início de um envolvimento romântico, os pesquisadores arranjaram sete sessões rápidas de paquera, para um total de 156 estudantes. Os participantes tiveram encontros de quatro minutos com grupos de nove a 13 membros do sexo oposto. Após cada encontro, os voluntários preenchiam questionários contendo afirmações como "Gostei de meu parceiro na interação" e "Senti-me atraído sexualmente por meu parceiro". (Estado)
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Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
, Estudo
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fevereiro 2, 2007
Dos mil britânicos consultados, 13% dos homens e 6% das mulheres asseguraram que trocariam seu parceiro ou parceira por um iPod, uma TV widescreen ou um home theater para a casa.
Apenas 2% têm entre 55 e 64 anos, e 3% têm acima de 65 anos. (Terra)
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Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
, Computadores
, Estudo
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janeiro 26, 2007
Se o casal de aranhas se vê sob luz que inclui radiação ultravioleta, o macho sempre assume a postura de fazer a corte, mas a fêmea, às vezes, opta por ignorá-lo. Quando o macho não recebe luz ultravioleta, a fêmea sempre o ignora.
Quando é a fêmea que fica sem os raios ultravioleta, o macho às vezes até assume a postura de fazer a corte. Mas sem muito interesse. (Estado)
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Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
, Estudo
, Sexo
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dezembro 19, 2006
Men needed for a web study on parent's influence on love relationships. Did your father (or not having a father) contribute to the way you act in your adult romantic relationships?
You are invited to participate and/or help find participants in a doctoral research study from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. The purpose of this research is to see if the father-son relationship (or lack of relationship) influence men's later adult romantic relationships. The focus on romantic relationships will concentrate on attitudes concerning attachment, caregiving, and sex perceptions and behaviors.
Who can apply: This is open to all American men aged 18 years or older, regardless of current relationship status or sexual orientation. We are interested in encouraging participation by those men who might have been raised in a home where there was no relationship with their fathers and there was no physically present father substitute. We are also interested in participation by men who had positive and/or negative relationships with their fathers.
Commitment: Participation requires completing a number of questionnaires relevant to the study. The questionnaires take about 30 minutes to an hour to complete. Most questions are either multiple-choice or ratings on a scale. There may also be a few short answer questions. Some questions deal specifically with sexual behavior and attitudes. Participants will also be asked to forward an invitation to this study to at least two of their male friends and/or family.
Confidentiality: This study is completely confidential. Name, email address, or identifying information will not be collected without the participant's permission. No identifying information will be associated with participant's answers. Responses will be processed using group statistical analyses, not by themselves therefore, nobody, not even the primary researcher, will be able to identify participants.
Benefits: You will have an opportunity to get involved in actual experimental research. The experience may provide you with a better understanding of your romantic relationships.
If you would like to participate please goto
If you would like more information, you may contact the primary researcher at
Thank you for your time and interest,
Robert Mitchell MACP
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
(via Craigslist)
Sabrina Fonseca
, Classificados Mondo Estudo
, Sexismo
, Sexo
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dezembro 1, 2006
Isso acontece, segundo os pesquisadores, porque as mulheres começam a fazer refeições menos saudáveis. Nessa etapa da vida, elas também diminuem a freqüência com que fazem exercícios físicos.
"É o famoso comodismo. Como acontece na natureza, a fêmea não precisa mais se embelezar para atrair o macho", exemplifica a médica. (Terra, contribuiu Rodrigo Roesler)
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Sabrina Fonseca
, Comportamento
, Obesidade
, Sexismo
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setembro 6, 2006
Declaramos o fim desse blog, pois os autores acabam de morrer de desilusão com essa notícia bombástica:

Sabrina Fonseca
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, Seios
, Sexismo
, Sexo
, Sono
, Stress
, Suspeitas
, Terapias Alternativas
, Tomate
, Trabalho
, Universo
, Álcool
, Ômega-3
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julho 31, 2006
A psicóloga diz que as mães de seu livro têm a oportunidade de criar um tipo diferente de homem, forte e sensível, capaz de entender que as emoções são valiosas.
"Existe a percepção de que um menino precisa de um homem no quarto da mãe para se transformar em homem. Queria ver se isto é verdade.
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Walter Valdevino
, Comportamento
, Estudo
, Intriga
, Sexismo
, Sexo
, Suspeitas
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maio 1, 2006
Brian, 25
What scientific term sounds the most sexual?
HOMO — Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital.
What's an experiment that I can try at home?
This doesn't have to do with sex, but it does have to do with alcohol, and for me, there's a connection. Get a Brita filter and a really cheap bottle of vodka. Filter the vodka through the Brita three times, and it's awesome. Do that experiment at home and invite some people over to drink it. Maybe someone will get drunk enough to sleep with you.
I've had a crush on a friend of mine for a long time. He recently broke it off with a serious girlfriend. How soon can I go after him?
The first time you get drunk together, whether you're friends with the girl or not. It doesn't matter.
Say I've just gotten out of a serious relationship. Under what circumstances should I first have sex with someone else?
Get it over with right away. The longer you wait, the more anxiety is going to build up. Once you get over that first drop on the roller coaster, you'll enjoy the ride a lot more.
My girlfriend loves to be on top, but she's no good at it. How can I get back up there?
Just up the tempo a bit — flip her over, make that move part of it. You shouldn't be having sex in just one position, anyway. Let her have her fun on top and then move her along.
What's the most sanitary place to have sex in a lab?
In labs that deal with viruses, there's a place called the "shower-in/shower-out room." You go in and they hit you with all of these chemicals. Nothing can live in there.
So you can't get an STD in that room?
Let's say I'm just crossing my fingers that you can't.
What part of sex is the most negotiable?
Sleeping over.
Is it possible to have sex with a friend and not ruin the friendship?
I hope so. Otherwise I'm in trouble.
I was really drunk and I fell asleep on top of my girlfriend while we were having sex. Is there any way to recover from this?
That happened to me with my ex-girlfriend. It was the second time we hooked up. We were still in that awkward phase. And she was going down on me.
So what happened?
She apparently smacked me in the face and I didn't wake up. And then she just acted like it didn't happen for a while. Months later, she brought it up. My friend Travis fell asleep on top of his girlfriend once and she had to call people in from the next room to get him off of her because she couldn't lift him. It took three guys to do it.
Dan, 28
We've got vasectomies, Viagra, designer vaginas — how can science improve our sex lives next?
I recently read an article about scientists that located the hormone that makes sex more gratifying than masturbation.
How about specific technological advancements?
One of my favorites is the remote-control butterfly. It's a vibrator on string-bikini underwear. It's worn over the woman's crotch, and the vibrator is right over her clitoris. It can be turned on an off to tease and control her stimulation. They have butterflies with cords and they have ones with remotes.
And wireless technology is always better.
Yes. Being able to do this at a restaurant or out in public is a great game.
My boyfriend has put on some weight lately. How can I help him get his hot bod back?
Well, I hash. Just because I'm a scientist doesn't mean I don't like beer. Hashing is kind of like having a carrot on a stick in the form of a beer can. That worked for me. I began gaining weight a few years ago, and now I just run a lot.
I want to strip for my boyfriend. What should I be wearing before I take it off?
Look like a professional. A lab coat works well. Maybe even lab goggles. Laboratory gloves might be pushing it.
Is there such a thing as over-thinking sex?
It happens, but it's not so much a problem in my case.
Alice, 27
What skills do scientists have that can be applied in the bedroom?
We can be very calculating. We know that there's little room for error.
Any tips for having sex in the lab?
Stay away from the centrifuge.
What sex act is the most negotiable?
A lot of men think the clitoris is a magic button that needs to be over-pressed. I've run across so many guys who think they know how to give great head, but sometimes they're not doing it right because of this. That is definitely not a necessary step.
What are some ground rules for outdoor sex?
Don't do it during dawn or dusk. That's when mosquitoes are the worst. I have friends who decided to go at it in an alley and they were both like, "I have thirty mosquito bites on my ass."
Are you asked out constantly?
I was assistant-teaching an engineering course, and on my teacher's evaluations I got comments that had very little to do with teaching.
Such as?
"Wear shorter skirts."
Michael, 28
Which scientific term is most sexual?
I once saw a talk about ribosome structure called Probing the Exit Tunnel.
What's the most sexual piece of lab equipment?
The scintillation counter.
How can science improve our sex lives next?
Most technological advances in my field deal with high-throughput data collection: instead of doing one gene-expression experiment at a time, we do four hundred thousand. Extend that same approach to your sex partners.
What's the best way to get a scientist to go home with you?
Being an editor of Nature helps. Failing that, just claim to be an editor of Nature. We're so eager to believe it, we won't press for details.
How can I get my boyfriend to wear his white lab coat to bed?
If you're into lab gear, why stop at white coats? Have him wear spandex gloves and safety goggles. Sort of an LAPD-meets-Doc-Brown vibe. Just promise you'll get a webcam. The world needs to see that show.
Sabrina Fonseca
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