Favela Braziu
"Lazy, hazy days for lucky Lula
THESE are strange times in Brazil. Every morning, the country's main newspapers bring fresh instalments in a slew of corruption scandals lapping around the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. The latest one involves the president of the senate, Renan Calheiros, a Lula ally.
The government seems trapped in torpidity. Six months into his second term, Lula has just completed his cabinet, adding a 37th minister—one for “strategic planning” [A/C Mangabóide]. But what are all these ministers for? The government's agenda is unambitious, and its reaction to events often tardy and fumbling. Take the chaos that has gripped Brazil's airports since October as a result of go-slows by disgruntled air-traffic controllers. Marta Suplicy, the tourism minister, seemed to sum up the official stance when, to much outrage, she suggested that travellers should “relax and enjoy” the long delays.
Folha de São Paulo, the biggest-selling daily, shifts only 300,000 copies in a country of 190m people. Meanwhile, the average Brazilian is rather content, less interested in the television news than the soap opera that follows it. (The Economist)
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