Brazileiru não disistir nunca
$en$a$ional a matéria do The New York Times deste sabadão de ziriguidum com o excelentíssimo ministro de Assuntos Estratégicos, Mangaba Unger, nosso "Minister of Ideas".
Dada a relevância de tamanha publicidade internacional a respeito do maior filó$ofo do Braziu, o Con$elho €ditorial da Nova Corja suspendeu o samba e convocou a$$embléia extraordinária populardemocráticaeparticipativa para comentar os principais trechos da matéria:
"WHEN Roberto Mangabeira Unger looks at Brazil, the country of his birth, he sees a “big, seething caldron of life, whose most salient characteristic is its vitality.”"
Con$elho €ditorial: este Con$elho só conhece dois tipos de vitalidade no Braziu: a do Pê Tê, para roubar, e a geral, para sacudir a buzanfa no carnaval.
O Con$elho €ditorial desta Corja oferece esta dica bibliográfica para você.
"Mr. Unger, a 60-year-old Harvard law professor, also sees the people of Brazil as ambivalent about the idea of becoming a great country that “would open a unique path in the history of the world.”"
Con$elho €ditorial: o delírio mangabóide é que é "unique in the history of the world".
"Mr. Unger, who three years ago denounced the administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as the “most corrupt in Brazil’s history,” is now serving the president as his minister for strategic affairs, a post many have referred to as the “minister of ideas.”"
Con$elho €ditorial: faltou lembrar que Mangaba não só mangabeiriou sobre suas declarações, como também surrupiou o desagradável artigo "Pôr fim ao governo Lula", da Folha de S. Paulo de 08 de novembro de 2005, do seu site em Hááááárvard.
"Taking a leave from Harvard, where he has taught since he was 24, Mr. Unger is trying to finally make his mark in the country where his maternal grandfather, Otávio Mangabeira, was a political legend."
Con$elho €ditorial: Hááááárvard = Universidade do MST.
"“I regard myself as a man without charm in a country of charmers,” he said from his office here in Brazil’s capital. “But I am very tenacious, and I have never given up.”"
Con$elho €ditorial: pelo menos tem um mínimo de autocrítica. Que não desiste nunca nós já estamos cansados de saber.
"“The country can reinvent itself by changing the Amazon.”"
Con$elho €ditorial: ok, a reinvenção do Braziu virá de um monte de árvore.
"He speaks Portuguese with a decidedly American accent. During a tour of Africa last summer with the president, Mr. Unger could often be seen engrossed in Milton’s “Paradise Lost.”"
Con$elho €ditorial: askdhgsakdjhksad
"He remembers, at age 8, his mother reading him Plato’s “Republic,” arousing a passion for philosophy that “has never been quenched.”"
Con$elho €ditorial: viu o que acontece quando se lê filo$ofia perto de criança?
"Her father, Mr. Mangabeira, was a former astronomy professor who became one of the most powerful governors of Bahia State."
Con$elho €ditorial: nunca ouvimos falar. Ainda bem.
"In the mid-1990s he and Mr. Castañeda led an effort to define a new alternative to neoliberalism, which emphasizes the private sector and the primary role of market forces in driving an economy."
Con$elho €ditorial: continuamos procurando 24hs por dia esse tal de neoliberalismo na América Latina e nunca achamos. Alguém nos ajude.
"But to his dismay, Mr. Unger said, those proposals were never translated into policy."
Con$elho €ditorial: melhor assim.
"If the post does not work out, he says, he will always have the “garden” — the safe haven of Harvard, where he has written some 16 books in English and Portuguese."
Con$elho €ditorial: "the safe haven of Harvard". asdjhaskdjha. E ninguém nunca ouviu falar de nenhum dos 16 livros. Melhor assim.
"“A situation like I had at Harvard is like a paradise,” he said. “The freedom is extraordinary. But there is a problem with life in a garden. It is not dangerous enough. Nothing in it can happen that will really shake you up and make you live."
Con$elho €ditorial: zzz... zzzz
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