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março 31, 2005

Woody Allen Machine

Tom Taborda deu a dica no Weblog do no mínimo e reuni aqui. Existem mais entrevistas parecidas. Até agora são quatro. Talvez por isso que o Daniel Robert Epstein tenha me mandado pular de um precipício sem eu entender por quê.

Devin Faraci (chud.com)
"I still lay down on the bed with a yellow thing and write it. That takes three days. I can write faster this way. I was taught to write on a typewriter and I think it would be healthier for me to do it that way because if you write on a typewriter you sort of act out the scene and you know it works. When you write on a pad, you're hearing it in your head and you don't know that it works when it becomes audible, but it goes so much faster that I just got into this bad habit and I've been doing it for years."

Edward Douglas (comingsoon.net)
"I still lay down on the bed with a yellow pad and write it longhand. Invariably, I have to type it myself and that takes three days. I can write faster this way. I was taught to write on a typewriter, and I think it would be healthier for me to do it that way, because if you write on a typewriter you sort of act out the scene and you know it works. When you write on a pad, you're hearing it in your head, and you don't know that it works, but it goes so much faster. I just got into this bad habit and I've been doing it for years."

Daniel Robert Epstein (suicidegirls.com)
"I still lay down on the bed with a yellow pad and write. Invariably I have to type it myself and that takes three days. I was taught to write on a typewriter and I think it would be healthier for me to do it because if you write on your typewriter, you act out the scene and you type it down and you sort of know it works. When you write on a pad, you're hearing it in your head and you don't know that it works when it becomes audible, but it goes so much faster that I've gotten into the bad habit and I've been doing it for years."

Osmar Freitas Jr. (istoe.com.br)
"Escrevo naqueles blocões de papel amarelo, a lápis ou à caneta. Escrevo deitado na minha cama. Acabo sempre tendo de copiar tudo à máquina depois e isso toma uns três dias. Eu provavelmente deveria escrever sempre à máquina, pois nesse caso você trabalha a cena ou ato e depois passa para o papel já sabendo como é que vai funcionar. Ao escrever à mão, você, na verdade, está ouvindo a cena em sua cabeça e não sabe se a coisa vai funcionar direito quando se tornar audível a todos. Mas escrever à mão para mim é muito mais rápido. Acabei me viciando nesse processo."

Update: Mais duas entrevistas assinadas com conteúdo semelhante. Agora são seis.

Wilson Morales (blackfilm.com)
"I still do that. I still lay down on the bed with a yellow thing and write it. Invariably I have to myself and that takes three days. I can write faster this way. I was taught to write on a typewriter and I think it would be healthier for me to do it that way because if you write on a typewriter you sort of act out the scene and you know it works. When you write on a pad, you're hearing it in your head and you don't know that it works when it becomes audible, but it goes so much faster that I just got into this bad habit and I've been doing it for years."

Cole Smithey (toledocitypaper.com)
"I still lay down on the bed with a yellow pad and write it. And invariably I have to type it myself and that takes three days. I can write faster that way. I was taught to write on a typewriter and I think it would be healthier for me to do it. Because if you write on a typewriter, you act out the scene and you type it down and you sort of know it works. When you write on a pad, you're hearing it in your head and you don't know that it works when it becomes audible, but it goes so much faster that I've gotten into the bad habit and I've been doing it for years."

Parece coisa de release, mesmo. Difícil imaginar o Woody Allen tendo respostas tão decoradas assim. Sempre. Ele seria famoso por isso. E nenhum grande jornal americano parece ter usado esse suposto material.

Posted by parada at março 31, 2005 02:57 PM

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