Dias cinzas merecem fotos em P&B.
Post Card
Dias cinzas merecem fotos em P&B.
Os pombinhos
Charles finalmente se ajoelhou perante Camilla. O casamento marcado para a primavera em Windsor esta em todos os jornais ingleses. Depois que ate a rainha e os dois principezinhos deram a bencao, quem sao os plebeus para discordar?
[Essa] eh, sem duvida, a missao da media inglesa por esses dias: convencer o povo de que as "almas gemeas" nao devem ficar nesse chove-nao-molha anymore. Vejo os jornais publicando fotos dos dois fazendo os mesmos gestos ao mesmo tempo... "ah, olha so pra eles, ate cocar o nariz na mesma hora eles cocam... devem mesmo ter nascido um para o outro..." ridiculo!
Tudo bem que eles queriam viver seu happily ever after, eh a vida deles e que Deus os abencoe por isso. But give it a fucking rest, Evening Standard!
"Smile sweetie, its a sunny day!"
Ainda ontem eu estava a reclamar que nao via o sol desde o dia 26 de Dezembro do ano passado, e hoje ele aparece, super invernal, devo confessar, mas aparece.
Segunda feira cheia de complicacoes que nem os astros previam, mau humor do caramba e eu ainda tenho que ouvir um "smile sweetie, its a sunny day!" dos caras da obra perto de casa... chega ate a ser comico, mas a minha conclusao eh que operario eh igual no mundo todo.
It's a beautiful day!
One funny thing about living in London is to watch movies shot in the city and start to agree with their points of view. In Guy Ritchie's Snatch, besides the picture itself, which I should say is one of my favorite ones, the "making of" found in the DVD is great! Good laughs are guaranteed by the actors talking about their funny and stereotyped characters. All their opinions make so much more sense to me now that I've been brain-washed by their cultural standards... fish, chips, cup'a'tea, bad food, worse weather :-)
Meanwhile in Brazil my best friends are celebrating Carnival, probably all smashed and suntanned.
A series of unfortunate events
It had been a fucking bad day! I had been trying to open an account in three different banks and had only got negative answers. I had been told that I was "undesirable" as a client because I had less than 6 months in my visa. I was worn out and starving. So, I crossed the street and headed to the first McDonalds I saw, desiring the biggest chocolate milk shake ever. I got to the counter and placed my order wishing that it would make me feel better. When I finally got my all-desirable milk shake it didn't taste anything. It was fucking white. So I turned back to the young lady in the counter and showing her the open cup I said: "I ordered a chocolate milk shake, please." to what she answered: "that is a chocolate milk shake." "No," I replied, "I am more chocolate than this". And everyone knows I am whiter than semi-skimmed milk...