8 mistaken shots

Ja faz quase uma semana, mas eu tinha que comentar sobre o assassinato do mineirinho em Londres na sexta-feira 22/07. Putz, mineiro... que é tao bonachao, nao faz mal nem pra zanzara danada de Milano. What a shame, Prime Minister!

A policia pediu desculpas, mas continua a acreditar que a estrategia anti-terrorismo escolhida é justa, correta. Fair enough? Seria, se nao fosse o despreparo e a incompetencia dos agentes que estao a paisana nas ruas da "terra do contrario".

Quem nos dias de hoje pararia se um desconhecido gritasse "auto la!"? Imagino que depois de sexta passada a galera esteja bem disposta a parar, ate com o "don't move" de um assaltante.

Nao chega o medo dos malucos kamikazes, ha tambem o medo dos policiais "in borghese", que se camuflam entre a multidao e ainda esperam respeito por sua autoridade ou mandam chumbo. Sim, da medo. Pensei que talvez nao tivesse ficado tao assustada se nao fosse um brazuca o "pato" da historia, mas nao...

Eh dificil ver esses ultimos acontecimentos como "banais", mesmo o mundo estando o campo minado que esta. Eh triste pensar que a capital Inglesa esta perigosa nao so pelos atentados terroristas (que nunca tiveram hora nem lugar para acontecer), mas tambem pela linha de fogo que pode se criar entre mocinho e bandido, quando nao se consegue identificar nem mocinho, nem bandido... e acabar levando uma bala que nao tem dono.

Todo mundo que ja morou em Londres cria uma relacao sentimental estreita com a cidade. Eh fato. Ela marca e fica guardada no coracaozinho da gente, como uma tatoo interna e invisivel. Nao tanto pelas alegrias, mas como pelas dificuldades superadas que nos fazem crescer. Mas enfim...

Nao quero ter medo de Londres como tenho medo do Rio.
Ve se prepara melhor esse teu batalhao, Blair!

por vanessawoz | 27 de julho | Comentários (0) | TrackBack (0)

London Underground

What the hell is going on in London?

[BBC News] informs and [Reporters' Log] and [Going Underground's Blog] comment every 20 minutes.

[Dental nurse Louise Graham, 21, said she would be walking all the way home to Putney, several miles away. "Luckily all my friends live around where I am, otherwise I will drive everywhere."

Sarah Rafique, who was shopping with her sister Tahira said: "It really worries you, when I step onto a Tube or a bus now, I think twice."]

I think it worries the whole Europe, not only London. Nobody steps on a metropolitan line relaxed and everyone is thinking of driving more these days...

por vanessawoz | 21 de julho | Comentários (0) | TrackBack (0)

Today's recipe...

A 600ml bottle of regular coke. cool.
A pack of M&M's. chocolate only.
Loads of mp3 songs. "baby girl".
Air conditioning... essential.
Contact lenses.
OFF. damned mosquitoes.
A cold shower.
A new CV.
My mom to talk to.

por vanessawoz | 20 de julho | Comentários (2) | TrackBack (0)

Father and Son - Cat Stevens

It's not time to make a change,
Just relax, take it easy.
You're still young, that's your fault,
There's so much you have to know.
Find a girl, settle down,
If you want you can marry.
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy.

I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy,
To be calm when you've found something going on.
But take your time, think a lot,
Why, think of everything you've got.
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again.
It's always been the same, same old story.
From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away.
I know I have to go.

por vanessawoz | 11 de julho | Comentários (0) | TrackBack (0)

By email

Some testmonials about the explosions in London yesterday.

szelwa to me, (16 hours ago)
"Tube on one of the stations blow up just 3 min. before i was passing it on my bike!!!! And on the afternoon our first edition was evacuated as well. so any way that was an exciting day."

Julia to me, (1 day ago)
"There were several explosions on tube trains and busses... All over London. Tube is down, busses are suspended. Mobile phones don't work, landlines are down... There is total chaos in London. Lots of injured, but so far the number of deaths is relatively low. They say the terrorist attack was planned to cause major destruction but as little deaths as possible. Then again, if you see the picture of the double decker bus with the blown off top... It's just terrible, really. Everybody is just busy trying to get hold of the people they know. Helicopters and sirenes everywhere.

Gabriele to me, (1 day ago)
"Every one is ok here on my end of the line. Terrible but london is reacting with [stoicism]. A brave city and I love every single bit of it! Long Live London!"

por vanessawoz | 8 de julho | Comentários (0) | TrackBack (0)

London Blasts

Beautiful morning in Milan, but I wake up to find London in chaos.

From BBC:
[One caller to BBC Five said his friend had seen "the bus ripped open like a can of sardines and bodies everywhere".]

[Prime Minister Tony Blair, at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, says there has been "a series of terrorist attacks in London... people have died and are seriously injured... It is reasonably clear this is designed and timed to coincide with the opening of the G8". He says he will return to London within hours, but that the summit will continue without him.]

The explosions, according to the British Transport Police, took place at Aldgate East, Edgware Rd, Kings Cross, Moorgate, Russell Square tube stations. All London Underground service has been suspended and bus services in London Zone One have been halted. London citizens are asked not to leave their homes today.

In far away Italy, the first thing I did was to send loads of SMS to my friends in the English capital city. Got just one answer. [The mobile phone network must be extremely jammed over there.]

"London calling to the faraway towns
Now war is declared - and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls..."

London Calling - The Clash

vanessawoz direto do velho mundo.